“When the power of Love overcomes the Love of power, then the world will know peace”.
Jimi Hendrix
Reflection – Peace
Peace is not just a word.
It is a deep and inner feeling,
A mental state of being cherished,
And blessed, and at rest.
True peace is shalom,
which means more than peace.
Peace comes when all people~
Throughout the world are safe and secure,
Treated with equality and justice.
Peace comes when prejudice makes way for friendship,
Then greed bows to need,
When anger and hatred are consumed
By compassion and love.
The God of peace sees our injustice and intolerance;
God sees our prejudice and our anger;
God sees our lack of compassion and love,
And God waits for humanity
To want peace as was the intention from the Creation.
God waits for every woman, man and child
To make peace within themselves,
To make peace with each other;
To be reconciled with God,
So that there may be perfect Shalom –
Peace, and justice and equality and wholeness and healing
For the whole world.
And then – only then -God’s kingdom will have come…
© Barbara Bennett 2015