Sunday 2nd July

If you’ve ever seen geese flying you might have noticed their V’ formation. Why do they fly like that? – I’m glad you asked!
Well, flying like this gives them several advantages.
Firstly, as each bird flaps its wings it creates an air current, which helps the bird immediately behind. So, with the exception of the leading bird, each bird uses less effort and so it can fly further. Apparently, a goose flying on its own can fly 100 miles whilst birds in ‘V’ formation can fly 171 miles!
Secondly, as the lead bird tires, another flies forward, taking its place. By sharing the hard workload, none of them drops out from exhaustion.
Thirdly, if one bird has to drop out because it gets sick or injured, two other geese leave the formation to follow the bird down to help and protect it. They stay with the hurting goose until it can fly again, creating a small ‘V’ formation.
Fourthly, they make a lot of noise, honking as they fly. In fact, it’s the geese at the back who make all the noise, for one thing so that the leaders know they are following and keeping up, but it’s also a way of encouraging the leaders – cheering them along!
The migration of birds of any variety is an awesome thing, but migrating geese can teach us something about living and working together
When we share the load, we can go a lot further than we might have thought possible and we can achieve our goals together.
We’re always glad to have someone with us when we’re hurting, so we do the same for others.
Encouraging words will always get the best out of people. They’ll feel happier and work better, so the whole team benefits.
Jesus said, ‘look at the birds of the air…’ (Matthew 6) –
we can learn a thing or two from them!

Revd Janine