Commitment for Life (CforL) is the world development programme of the United Reformed Church. Millions of pounds have been raised since I helped to launch it in 1993 and spent thus: 75% goes to development projects in four regions (focused on Christian Aid local partner organisations), 5% goes to ‘Global Justice Now’ for campaigning, and 20% is spent on administration (two part-time posts), production of materials, occasional conferences and general publicity.
Glenorchy has been linked with development work in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories for a few years. Mission Committee had agreed to move on to supporting work in Bangladesh from this year but in the present circumstances we will delay that for a year.
Not that the plight of the Palestinians is less than it was. The current American administration is so supportive of the Israeli government that they have felt able to tighten the ‘lock-down’ on Gaza and made life on the West Bank even more restrictive, with the threat of formal annexation of the occupied territories being actively considered – though several governments including our own have made strong objections to that.
There will not be the usual annual service and gift day in June so we shall need a new way to try and help the activity of CforL for 2020. Glenorchy usually raises something approaching £1,000, so we would be missed if we sent nothing.
You may wish to contribute now rather than wait till we are meeting again.
One way is to make a payment to Glenorchy church on-line, indicating that it is for Commitment for Life: account 00016890, sort code 40-52-40