It’s great that the solar panels on our south-facing church roof are now producing electricity and will reduce our electricity costs as well as doing our bit to help the environment. This will also help us towards our goal of achieving the Eco Church Gold Award. Thanks to Bob Austen and Bob Jones for getting through the administrative nightmare which has enabled this to happen!
At our service on 7th April, Revd Martin Nicholls spoke on the passage in Mark’s Gospel where Jesus wept over Jerusalem. He wept because whenever prophets tried to reveal the Kingdom of God and tell the truth, the people silenced them. Jerusalem had lost the plot. Those in power were living as though they’d forgotten who they were, and what they had to lose. Martin said that we are the body of Christ today and the world is our Jerusalem. The greatest threat and thus the greatest source of sadness is Climate Change. He referred to the climate change campaigns of people like Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager, “a modern-day prophet”, and the schoolchildren around the world ‘striking’ to emphasise the gravity and urgency of the
Martin also highlighted not just the concern there should be about climate change, but the need for action. At Point-in- View they have started up their own Eco Church scheme. They are keen to recycle and save energy and have begun a litter pick in Summer Lane. Through the charity FairShare, they are helping to ensure good food is prevented from going to waste, and they are writing to the Government and our MP to campaign to get things done.
Noel Harrower e-mailed me after the service to ask whether, in response, there is something we could set up, not only related to climate change but also into peace-building. He wonders whether the ‘Prayers for Healing’ might be revived in some way, embracing prayers both for those who request it and prayers for the whole community, possibly involving playing quiet recorded music at a mutually agreed time of day. Do let Noel or me know if you have any views on this!
Geoff Smith